
Сообщения за март, 2018


Mira offers a solution for buying, sending and storing cryptocurrencies in a convenient and user friendly way. MiraLab was founded as a P2P cryptocurrency exchanger with blockchain tohnology and the aim to be a simple, straight forward experience. The company was created through the investments and financial backing from digital currency enthusiasts. The company had noticed that the capitalization of cryptocurrency and its stocks have been growing sharply recently. They noticed a gap in development and acceleration of cryptocurrency, this evolved into a P2P exchangers and finally the Mira software suite. Their goal was to provide a simple yet reliable way to exchange, transfer and keep safe cryptocurrency (this is a very important issue for the present time), whilst sill making it user friendly.Their goal was to make purchasing cryptocurrency as simple as sending a file. The essential element of their service is the MiraBox which is an encrypted container file which is able sto

Стань героем с I AM HERO

Каждый человек уникален. И если подумать, то для развития современного мира, нужно только понять свою индивидуальность, чтобы полностью использовать свой потенциал. А реализовать его можно с помощью работы. Процедура поиска работы до сих пор остается неизменной. Компании платят за размещение вакансий, но чаще откликнувшиеся работники не соответствуют заявленным требованиям работодателя. Работники в свою очередь выбирают работу с большей оплатой, в непосредственной близости от дома и тп, минуя свои способности и стремления. Система поиска работы устарела. Так что же поможет обновить ее, позволяя людям раскрыть свой настоящий потенциал? I AM HERO - платформа, позволяющая сопоставить работу с людьми, посредством которого любой сможет создать онлайн-резюме, где он будет сразу виден и бронироваться для проекта. Используя высокий искусственный интеллект система сопоставляет стороны и устанавливает связь между ними. Приток доходов для расширения и развития iamhero обеспечит плата за использ


LixCoin — Elixir Mempersembahkan Blockchain Untuk Industri Game LIX terutama akan menjadi platform kerumunan proyek permainan yang memungkinkan Ide permainan menjadi kenyataan secara adil dan efisien. LIX tidak hanya akan menyediakan lebih cepat dan lebih mudah transaksi mikro-transaksi-mata uang tapi juga akan menyediakan infrastruktur dan ekonomi game penuh untuk digunakan oleh penerbit, studio dan pengembang independen. Akhirnya, dengan komitmen penuh Komunitas LIX, tidak ada lagi anggaran dolar yang dibutuhkan untuk menghasilkan dan mendistribusikan permainan — hanya gagasan. LIX akan memicu ekonomi permainan dengan menyediakan platform untuk dibuat dan dikelola aset permainan yang akan didaftarkan pada rantai blok terdesentralisasi. Sekali Didaftarkan pada rantai blok, pengguna game yang berpartisipasi dapat memperdagangkan aset baik dalam game maupun melalui wallet exchange. Pasar game global akan mencapai USD 108,9 miliar secara global pada 2017, dengan peningkatan pangsa sa


TUBI allows users to publish photos and videos, and the content would be protected by encryption techniques, while the copyright would be managed and regulated. The platform would have an ads system without hurting user experience. The platform would not take commission from the ads revenue, users can be compensated from shared ads revenue by their content views. TUBI’s goal is to benefit the user and the protection of the content ownership. Features of TUBI 1.Attract high quality content High quality, attractive contents benefiting from copyright protection & shared ad revenues,Ethereum Smart Contract can help with ownership of photos without engaging an agency which saves a lot of time for both parties. 2.Value continues to increase Users can Send TUBI to other users. Receiving rewards: Blockchain would record it when users get reward from every likes and content sharing. Market Analysis of TUBI Until the end of 2017, there will be 590 million people visiting Instag


Nowadays everything is based on the internet, but it also has it's own disadvantages. Some people will use this approach on Internet in their favor. We know that they are many cases in which people without a permission take and copy so many things, they make copies of intellectual work, they steal photos, videos, documents without permission of it's author. Block chain technology has made so many changes into our lives. New projects are coming every day. Crypto currencies have exploded in 2017. It is necessary to be innovative. You must offer something new, something that will change the old system, something that will solve the problem in society or work, business, infrastructure…We can' t today imagine our life without Internet. There are important information on the Internet that we need in the business world or in private life. No less important to note that as time goes on, people have learned to use them in more and more areas because they have seen what potenti


TIHOSAY: CROSSING BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN CRYPTO AND TRADITIONAL BANKING Official Website:  https://tihosay.io   What is  TIHOSAY ?  TIHOSAY is a hub or center for other cryptocurrencies and its own token to be used as a payment method by developing an Exchange and Debit Cards for users and merchants to be able to carry out financial transactions. The TIHOSAY exchange boast of offering digital assets to merchants with zero trading commission rights daily on the exchange.  While this is interesting, its just not all. Below is a shot of the card and App.  Its Debit Card users would be able to withdraw cash, it also supports about 9 different cryptocurrencies and it can alsed for shopping. This comes handy if you are a shopper. You just use it as your normal bank cards.    Now How Does TIHOSAY Works?   As said above, TIHOSAY provides a hub for its own and several cryptocurrencies to be used as payment method as well as development of an exchange and a debit card of vari

Investa platform

The Investa platform is developed and operated by a team of experienced, qualified tech, financial and business experts. Investa is more than just a blockchain project, it includes innovation, security, scalability, and flexibility. Investa offers a unique platform of complimentary crypto services which work in tandem to enable our users to manage and invest their Crypto in a managed portfolio. InvestaCo is committed to a completely transparent process even outside of open source code. Here's another way we want to convey transparency and community control. Involve an accounting firm for a third-party audit, which will be reported to the public. The coin holders will be able to contact the investment team through some redundant channels such as slack, telegram, twitter and community forums. INVESTA PLATFORM The INV Platform will be the multi-currency payment gateway inside the INVESTA ecosystem, allowing its users to exchange Fiat money, cryptocurrencies, or virtual goods for